Set Service Logon Credentials
Activity Description
Sets the service's logon account.
- Service Name – The name of the service.
- Logon/Windows Account/Local System Account – Determines whether logon is performed using a local account or a specified one (if "Windows Account" is selected, enter the Logon domain, Logon User and Logon Password).
- Logon/Domain – If required, the domain of the logon account.
- Logon/User Name – If required, the username of an account that has read-write access to the host.
- Logon/Password – If required, the password of the account listed in the User Name field.
- Allow service to interact with desktop – In case certain elements in the service contain a user interface (such as forms), "Allow service to interact with desktop" should be checked.
- Device/Host Name – The host name or IP address.
- Device/User Name – If required, the username of an account that has read-write access to the host.
- Device/Password – If required, the password of the account listed in the User Name field.